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Less Than Worthless Reply From Take 2 Interactive

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I know a landscape designer lady who has given me great advice when it's obvious someone is having a bad day (or week) and who does not want to deal with you, but you really need answers.

It's called a "Sh!t Sandwich" and this is how it works:

Bread- Thank the person for what they have done, assure them you understand the difficulty of what you are asking, praise them for something inconsequential, etc. ad nauseum...
Sh!t- Restate your question, problem, whatever and (gently now...) your disappointment at having gotten a much-less-than-satisfactory answer from such exemplary human beings you know they usually are.
Bread- Thank them for their patience in reading your email, re-considering your request, etc, ad nauseum... and a sincere "looking forward to your reply" signoff.

She tells me they will be eating out of your hand the next time...

Yup, but keep in mind this came fairly late in the call, after I had established that the machine was stone cold dead, pushing up the daisies, joined the bleeding choir invisible, an ex-computer.
-Ralf Maximus
--- End quote ---
Fair enough :)

That kind of scripted no-brain "support" really sucks... But that's what you get most of the time, unless you find a competent contact person you can get through to, directly.

What is worse is when they run out of script and are clueless as to what would be a good response and start making stupid stuff up.

I had an AOL 'techie' run out of script and as a last resort tell me that in order to fix a problem that was causing frequent disconnections, I should copy the file containing all my husband's saved email (since his was the smallest) to a safe location as a backup, delete the original, and replace it with the backup I just made.

This was supposed to help me stay online longer.

Ralf Maximus:
"Sometimes strong magnetic fields can cause problems.  Is there any metal on your person that could conceivably have become magnetized?  Watch?  Jewelry?"

"Ah... yes, I'll take off my watch."

"Very good.  Okay, now many modern underwire bras contain strips of strongly magnetized metal.  If you're wearing a bra, you should remove that too."


"No no, I assure you... it's been a problem in the past.  We have to eliminate *all* metal from your person.  Just humor me and we'll get to the bottom of this problem."

"Well... all right, I suppose.  Give me a minute..."

"Ma'am, can you adjust the webcam a bit please?"


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