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IDEA: Timer based on real time

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I wonder why there isnt any option to delete the previous attachments on a post modify action. I request moderator to remove top two TimerAssist.exe files from my last post

I am uploading the file again to remove any confusion

Heh....enough time invested...... Now time to take a shower ;)
-destiny_ruler (October 13, 2007, 01:29 AM)
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Balloon tip constantly pops up making noise that it's been activated, cpu usage varies wildly between 6% to 11%.
WinXP pro SP2

CPilot, I am unable to reproduce the same thing here on XPProSP2. Are you sure you are testing my last upload ?

I wonder why there isnt any option to delete the previous attachments on a post modify action. I request moderator to remove top two TimerAssist.exe files from my last post.
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can't you just modify the post and uncheck the attachments you know longer want attached? that's what i did to accomplish what you wanted.  if normal users can't do this let me know and i'll fix.

Works and looks beautiful too.

Bug report:

* The bunny is a little overeager.. the tray balloon saying "TimerAssist is Activated" seems to pop up on its own every 2 seconds or so once activated :)
* Once I "Activate" it, the Deactivate button doesnt seem to do anything.


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