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please add rectangles to the editor

<< < (3/4) > >>

i'll look into the transparent background thing.. there must be an easy way to do it..

Let me know if there's anything I can do from this end to help. I'll load those scissors into GIMP in the next couple days (finishing up finals at school) and see what I can do. I should be able to poke a "hole" for those handles.

Is there a way to paste into a new image with Captor that I'm overlooking?

not really but its a good idea and i'm happy to add it for the next update.



Hi Cavalcader,
i don't know if you need one,
but here a lil howto...

1 -  open the scissor pic in graphic editor
2 - fill the two finger holes with an color you didn't need in the picture, in our case maybe yellow
3 - save the scissor with transparence, in *.gif or *.png , and choose the yellow color as
the transparent color.

In some editor you have to set the yellow as transparence first and save then as *.gif or *.png.



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