Messages - rxantos [ switch to compact view ]

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DC Gamer Club / Re: One Chance: A game you can only play once
« on: September 17, 2014, 02:47 PM »
Depressing game.

Under what license is the code? Can it be used on closed source, or only open source?

Living Room / Re: TrueCrypt is Now Abandonware?!
« on: July 06, 2014, 09:21 PM »
My first question would be:
How much money are the true crypt developers getting to shutdown true crypt and sway people into Bit locker on an operating system that is knowingly compromised by the US government since 1995?

But then again, I am cynical nowadays.

Why the surprise?

Remember the Windows 95 era in which Microsoft was facing a billion dollar fine becuase of its antitrust practices?
Remember how the 1 billon was forgiven? How many times have government forgiven you any fine?

Some kind of deal was made. Given the current information. I suspect that it was adding backdoors to Windows. So that governments can spy on their general population.

Living Room / Re: Can We Trust CNET...(News Article)
« on: January 22, 2013, 12:16 AM »
"In God We trust, all others we monitor." - NSA motto

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