Messages - ingkiller1 [ switch to compact view ]

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I would not even consider it! I have used Macs at school and I will never use another unless required to. Software is way too expensive compared to a PC and the sheer amount of software available for great prices or free compared to the MAC is incredible not to mention the extreme amount of customization that can be done to PCs for gaming is undeniable. I have never seen a MAC with a Quad SLI Nvidia GeForce or SLI configured Radeon.

Not to mention Water cooling... so awesome.

Coding Snacks / [request] timed self closing program
« on: August 28, 2008, 10:16 PM »
It would be great if anyone knows of a program or can make a program that simply loads at system startup and closes itself after a certain amount of time. It would also be great if it could run from the system tray. It doesn't need to control anything other than loading and closing itself. No GUI is needed other than a timer setting. The main thing is that it needs to start and close completely on its own.


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