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Living Room / Re: Google does no evil; kills reMail
« on: February 22, 2010, 06:04 PM »
Unless you have some strange distinction between online and offline forces I guess you are talking politics.

You are still a raving internet shopper compared to Richard Stallman  8)

Well I just know what I am talking about  and taking my own prescription.

If I had a foundation that was feeding me like Stallman has I would have done the same thing. Unfortunately technology(not ads, not adsense etc) is where I make my daily bread.

I have been using Python for a while but never delved into functional programming( ). Here is my first try.  I am using a recursive function to slice the array into 2 pieces, smaller and bigger than average in given pass until the lenght achieves 1. In the past for practice I used loops for this stuff but functional+recursive makes more sense to me now.

This will find the smallest item in the array

Code: Python [Select]
  1. import random, time
  2. print random.seed(time.time())
  3. myarray=[random.randrange(1,100) for a in range(0,10)]  #this creates a random list array
  6. print myarray
  8. def findSmallest(array):
  10.     if len(array)<2: return
  12.     array_sum=reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,array) #Calculate the sum of all the elements inside the array by using the "reduce" function
  13.     array_avg=array_sum/len(array)
  15.     smallers=filter(lambda x:x<array_avg,array) #This line filters the array items based on their size compared to the average of the array
  17. #----------------------------------------->Debug  
  18.     #print " sum: ",array_sum,
  19.     #print " average: ",array_avg
  20.     #print "\n"
  21.     print smallers
  22. #----------------------------------------->Debug  
  24.     findSmallest(smallers)
  27. if __name__=="__main__":
  28. #    pass
  29.     findSmallest(myarray)

Living Room / Re: Google does no evil; kills reMail
« on: February 22, 2010, 02:39 PM »
Most companies want/need to make money. They think of them self, how it works. Not special for Google so if you have them targeted down as being the one and only problem you should be ridiculed :) What are alternatives and what do you use? Which company of this nature has better products, "care" more for user, are more open with info/development, has better licensing?

How are you using a computer, being online without supporting companies in one way or another? Which companies are you friends with? Is it not simply a matter of picking your poison? Because some prefer Google does not mean they are blind or will not switch if something better comes along.

Well I do not agree with the fact thatI I need to choose this company or that company at all. What I care and try to implement is being careful about my choices and actions. I also believe that small actions and choices can lead to big changes if they are done and repeated enough times. I just try to practice my fair share within Virtual mediums. I stay away from helping Google or other big corporate commercialization of Internet. I do not use javascript and cookies (I ban-delete them) I heavily kill and filter ads. I generally disable Flash and alikes unless it is for educational purposes. I do not use Tv , I only turn my cellphone if I need to make a call.(Cell phones can have impact on your health). Half of the time I use text based web browsers, and Internet just looks fine to me inside a text based web browser. I never participate in any kind of virtual social linking and environment like facebook, myspace twitter etc etc. I pay for my email service, web service etc, being cheap is not that cheap in my view. 

Ideally all these technologies are great and offer amazing possibilities but corporitization-commercialization of all these good ideas are abusing the innovation and I personally do not want to participate in that in any way. For some reason some people like to think that all these articulated ideas can only be attached to paranoia or fear which is wrong approach to take when one needs to be critical.

Anyways I firmly believe that everyone should be careful about their own deeds. When you drive a car you need to be careful, same for browsing online or using Google services. Being careful and being critical is a good thing. I have been using computers for 20 years and browsing the net for 15 years. Being critical and trying to understand the technology behind the visible technology always helped me

Living Room / Re: Google does no evil; kills reMail
« on: February 22, 2010, 01:12 AM »
I hope that the people who were ridiculing people like me on these boards about Google and its smelly acts up to couple years ago would reconsider their thoughts about Google when more and more Google`s real intentions unfoils.

I do not use anything Google at all and I am glad to be Googleless. Remember, Google is not and has never been your friend :) The fact is that Google cannot be your friend, you cannot be friend with an entity that needs massive amounts of cash and energy every second to keep going.

On the other hand it sounds like Google bought them and cancelled the product to promote its cellphone system. If you think about it Google would want people to buy its phone not someone else`s.

General Software Discussion / Re: Free Pascal - Lazarus?
« on: February 21, 2010, 04:33 PM »
Thanks for the suggestion. I already use tiny ahk stuff here and there, maybe I can move to Autoit. But for now I am mpre interested in investing my time time into cross platform stuff. I do not think I will ever make big stuff but would be nice to have the options

So far I have looked into Tkinter(is ok), Pygtk(Glade), Wxpython. Pygtk seems fine and Glade is updated regularly. On the otherhand the Wxwidgets and Wxpython seems nice, cross platform and well documented, but all the Gui designers for Wx are old and has not been updated or abandoned. I do not think that I am interested in investing my time on abandoned projects. Although one can definetely write Gui apps without a designer. In Python it is not so hard, it just gets tedious at least based on my experience with Tkinter.

I have looked into Codeblocks+Wx integration.It looks like very viable visual designer and cross platform developement. The thing is that C++ is whole another universe and I am not suire if starting Gui pogramming with C++ is a good idea or not. I am open to ideas in this regard really.

Pascal is an old friend to me that was my main reason for bringing it up.

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