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General Software Discussion / Re: DC Reveal/Hide feature
« on: February 08, 2010, 07:38 PM »
Thank you !
Oops! Now, I remember asking this question before.

What I wanted to do was on the last link.
It won't work in Word, so I copied the script and played around with it on gmail.
It didn't work there either, but that is only because I don't really know what to do with a script, yet.
Last time I inquired about this, someone else sent me that same link and I chickened out.
I wouldn't even try to learn how to use it.
I'm a little more motivated, now. I really like that feature.
Also, now that my computer is in working order, I'm a little more open to trying new things.

I've bookmarked the script link for later, and when I have more time (in mid-March), I'll certainly come back and ask for some references to instructions on how to actually implement a script.

Thanks, again!  :)

Living Room / Re: What books are you reading?
« on: February 08, 2010, 07:12 PM »
As far as books/articles that might help you, I can offer none. But I am sending you some DC credits to help offset the cost of a cat-sitter!

O M G !!!


what a wonderful & kind gesture that is!

You're helping me & my boyfriend have a good time (I won't be worrying about her 'cause I can spoil the sitter  :)).
You're helping an aging animal get the attention and affection she's used to, AND
You're helping the cat-sitter by helping to fill the fridge for her / him!

Your suggestion for me to take my own advice is what helped me to make up my mind, and go with the cat sitter, regardless of the cost.
So, I told my bf & he is paying for it...I don't know what he's giving up in order to do it, but I know it's a lot. Thanks to you, now I can thank the sitter in advance with a really nice tip, food, or anything to make them comfortable and to feel at home here  ;). What a great and unexpected contribution! You rock!

You totally made my day  :)   :)   :)   :)   :) .

General Software Discussion / DC Reveal/Hide feature
« on: February 08, 2010, 05:30 PM »

What is the reveal hide feature here? It it a script that I can use in an email, web mail or Outlook?

I want it!!!!

The history & reasons:

I used to work at IBM and write step-by-step instructions for employees.

We all used Lotus Notes, which allowed me to create reveal / hide sections for each step of the instructions. That was very useful, as some employees required much less assistance than others. Anyone could just click on the section that pertained to them, follow the instructions and be done with it.

The emails appeared clean and concise, saved people time and in some cases confusion.

I would really like to make emails like that again. Thanks.

Living Room / Re: What books are you reading?
« on: February 08, 2010, 12:37 PM »
-cranioscopical (February 08, 2010, 10:35 AM)

Thank you! Unfortunately, this one is for helping those whose minds have been played around with.
I don't want to help my subject, I need him to help me.
If anyone knows of a book on this subject, here's the problem:
[Warning: It's personal & kind of heavy & I'll totally understand if I get no responses  :)  ]

I need my very controlling, narcissistic dad to cat sit for me for my upcoming trip to France.
Whenever he takes care of her, he refuses to accept any tips from me & yells, "Don't tell me what to do, I know how to take care of a cat".

She has me practically 24 hrs. a day & he stays about 10 minutes with her, twice a day.
When I get home, she is depressed & lethargic (he won't play with her), greasy, (???), sleeping in corners facing the walls & has hairballs (he won't brush her & is happy to tell me so).

He says he'll cat sit, but when I kindly carefully asked him if he could spend a little more time (like, 10 minutes more each trip) with her, he blew up. He feels very put out & complains about it in an angry tone. He says he'll do it as he always does, the way he wants, but I'm not to call him & check on her anymore  :( .

When I did call in the past, all he'd say is, "I'm petting her. She's alive".

He says if he were in my position, he wouldn't ask him for any requests, as I owe him so much for him taking care of her in the first place & I am so lucky he's doing it at all.

It's been my experience that it's best to avoid accepting help from anyone who resents the favor they're doing for you.

I cannot afford a sitter & am re-considering even going on my trip at all.

If anyone hs read this in its entirety, thank you so much for listening. I know it's "off topic", the question was, "What are you reading", not "...and why are you reading it?" Anyway, if anyone knows any books that can help me, ruthless, ill willed or otherwise, please make your suggestion. Thank you again.I really love my cat, she is my constant companion.

Living Room / Re: What books are you reading?
« on: February 08, 2010, 12:45 AM »
The elegant social skills that I have witnessed you deploy here belie your words.
Swaying a few others to your ways would be worth a book or three!
-cranioscopical (February 07, 2010, 07:53 PM)

Thank you!  :)   :)   :)

However, I must admit that it takes me quite a while to compose even the simplest post. Edit, edit, edit...
If I only had that kind of time when responding to others verbally.

Side note: I read both books today.
The tactics discussed might work on people of average intelligence & respectable values, but they've got nothing on my subject.
He is way ahead of the game.
So, tomorrow at the book store, I'll be moving from the Self-Help section on to the Psychology section...What a project this is.
I've also read, "Dealing with Difficult People", and can now say with complete confidence that these authors have yet to encounter a truly difficult person. (Sorry, but the girl in the copy room who ignores me when I need help just doesn't meet my criteria as a "difficult person".)
In any case, I have one more book to try, "The Art of Manipulation". (Talk about sinking morals and values. Eeessshh...)

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