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UrlSnooper / CC Changed Players
« on: May 28, 2009, 10:34 AM »
It looks like Clear Channel changed media players overnight  >:( and URL Snooper no longer finds the stream URL.  I tried two different Clear Channel stations and both used the new flash player.  In case the info is of use, the player now used appears to be "erockster_player.swf".

I use URL Snooper at work where I only have access to a dialup account.  Clear Channel doesn't seem to care that their player is too "heavy" for dialup and must buffer every few minutes.  With URL Snooper I've been able to open the stream directly in Media Player and it hardly ever needs to buffer.

Just thought I'd give a heads up.  I'm currently at work so I don't have the tools at hand to actually sniff packets and see if there is an IP or URL that URL Snooper isn't catching.  Guess no radio for me today.

Thanks for the great program!  :D

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