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I'm trying to script a download routine to get 7 days worth of comics at a time.  This is using Autohotkey.

The folder structure is like this
and filename like this "sf20160401.tif"

Here is what I have so far, and it works but when changing days it's not changing the folder structure to match..

gui, add, DateTime, vmydate altsubmit
Gui, add, Button, gGo ym, Go
Gui, Show

Gui, Submit
Year := SubStr(mydate,1,4)
Month := SubStr(mydate,5,2)
Day := SubStr(mydate,7,2)
SetWorkingDir, %A_Desktop%\comics

BlockInput On ;disables keyboard or mouse use when script is running

MyURLpass :="user:pwd"
MyURLYear := Substr(mydate,1,4)
MyURLMonth := Substr(mydate,5,2)
MyURLDay := Substr(mydate,7,2)
MyURL := "" A_YYYY "/" A_MM "/"
Year := SubStr(mydate,1,4) ; had to change year for Beck arrangement

while n<7{
MyFile= SFT%date%.tif
RunWait % "curl.exe -o " MyFile " -u " MyURLpass " " MyURL "" MyFile ; -v more talkitive
EnvAdd Date, 1, Days      ;increases day by one
FormatTime, date, %date%, yyyyMMdd ;fixes formatting from EnvAdd, which adds a timestamp

Can anyone give it a go?  Even if you have to trash the cludge that I have ;)  ?


Finished Programs / DONE: Using AHK and PDFTK to combine daily pdf's
« on: November 14, 2012, 05:40 PM »

I need to come up with a way of combining daily extracted pdfs in the proper order but am having problems with the number of different publications.

Our naming convention is :

pub  date     section

I can do this for one pub easily i.e.

Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
  2. pub = MM
  4. dest = D:\DATA\archives\hot\
  5. formattime, date, MMddyy, MMddyy
  7. filename1 = %pub%_%date%_*.pdf
  9. ifexist %filename1%
  10. Runwait %comspec% /c pdftk %filename1% cat output %dest%EA_%date%.pdf

But with 7 different pubs, some of which may or may not appear on a daily basis, I am stuck.

Here's what I came up with but it is not getting every pub and some pages are repeating.  I am trying but am an amateur N00B :)
Also, the pub order is as seen top to bottom.

Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
  2. pub = MM
  3. pub2 = MC
  4. pub3 = FE
  5. pub4 = CS
  6. pub5 = RE
  7. pub6 = VL
  8. pub7 = WR
  10. dest = D:\DATA\archives\hot\
  11. formattime, date, MMddyy, MMddyy
  13. filename1 = %pub%_%date%_*.pdf
  14. filename2 = %pub2%_%date%_*.pdf
  15. filename3 = %pub3%_%date%_*.pdf
  16. filename4 = %pub4%_%date%_*.pdf
  17. filename5 = %pub5%_%date%_*.pdf
  18. filename6 = %pub6%_%date%_*.pdf
  19. filename7 = %pub7%_%date%_*.pdf
  21. FileList =
  22. Loop, *_%date%_*.pdf
  23. {
  24.  FileList = %FileList%%A_LoopFileName%`n
  26.  Runwait %comspec% /c pdftk %filename1% %A_LoopFileName% cat output MTR_%date%.pdf
  27. }
Can anyone help?

Unfinished Requests / UNFINISHED: Upload files listed in text file
« on: August 19, 2010, 01:45 PM »
I've tried tons of different google searches but I can't find anyone that's tried this so here goes.

I would like a script that would read a text/xml file with content like this:


and upload via FTP the listed files from a set folder.
Possible?   ;)

A colleague developed this applescript to import comics into a template as seen below and I've been reading up on Javascript trying to figure out how to convert this for use in our windows environment:

--This script will open an Adobe Indesign page for the Comics and flow all comics files for the selected date.
set displayString to "Please Enter Year"
set DYear to (year of (current date))
set response to display dialog displayString default answer DYear
set theNumber to (text returned of response) as number
set DYear to text returned of response
set displayString to "Please Enter Month"
set Dmonth to do shell script "date '+%m'"
set response to display dialog displayString default answer Dmonth
set theNumber to (text returned of response) as number
set Dmonth to text returned of response
set displayString to "Please Enter Day"
set Dday to (day of (current date)) + 1
set response to display dialog displayString default answer Dday
set theNumber to (text returned of response) as number
set Dday to text returned of response
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
set comic1 to "macintosh Hd:users:marshall:documents:comics:" & DYear & Dmonth & Dday & "pzjud-a.tif"
set comic2 to "macintosh hd:users:marshall:documents:comics:fct" & DYear & Dmonth & Dday & ".tif"
set comic3 to "macintosh hd:users:marshall:documents:comics:det" & DYear & Dmonth & Dday & ".tif"
set comic4 to "Macintosh HD:users:marshall:documents:comics:bbt" & DYear & Dmonth & Dday & ".tif"
set comic5 to "Macintosh HD:users:marshall:documents:comics:blt" & DYear & Dmonth & Dday & ".tif"
set mydoc to open "Macintosh HD:users:marshall:documents:comix:GGDailyBlank.indd"
tell mydoc
tell page 1
set myrect1 to page item named "image1"
set myrect2 to page item named "image2"
set myrect3 to page item named "image3"
set myrect4 to page item named "image4"
set myrect5 to page item named "image5"
tell myrect1
set myGraphic to place (comic1 as string)
fit myrect1 given content to frame
end tell
tell myrect2
set myGraphic to place (comic2 as string)
fit myrect2 given content to frame
end tell
tell myrect3
set myGraphic to place (comic3 as string)
fit myrect3 given content to frame
end tell
tell myrect4
set myGraphic to place (comic4 as string)
fit myrect4 given content to frame
end tell
tell myrect5
set myGraphic to place (comic5 as string)
fit myrect5 given content to frame
end tell
end tell
end tell


Any tips or ideas to help get me started with this?  Most of the tutorials I'm reading deal with text and not images...

Thanks for any help!



I play guitar at church and would like to be able to select a song order from a list of .pdf files, hit submit and have the songs display in correct order while I page down from one song to the next.


The list of pdf files is in a single directory online.  I'm thinking php to do this?
I would like to be able to just drop new pdfs in the folder via ftp and have them listed out on the fly if possible.

The image is an idea of what I'm thinking it could look like...

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