Please note: We are in the process of a major updating of the content on as of January 2018, and this page will be updated soon.

Our Favorite Websites

This page lists some of our long-time favorite websites -- sites we couldn't live without and sites that have been true friends to

Have a Suggestion?

If you have a suggestion for a site that you think we should add to this list, let us know.

Editorial Integrity

DonationCoder does not accept paid promotions. We have a strict policy of not accepting gifts of any kind in exchange for placing content in our blogs or newsletters, or on our forum. The content and recommendations you see on our site reflect our genuine personal interests and nothing more.

FARR (Find and Run Robot) is much better
Farr is an easy to use application launcher for Windows (Windows 7, Vista and XP) that helps you rapidly find and launch programs or documents from within the depths of the start menu or other directories. There are several similar programs, but I think FARR (Find and Run Robot) is much better and quite easy to use
Jkwebtalks image

Our Favorite Websites

This page collects short descriptions of some of our favorite websites. It's our way of saying thanks to the sites we have come to love.

This page has not been updated for awhile but will be getting some new content soon! Please check out the rest of our fantastic website which is far more updated than this page!

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Our Favorite Websites: MakeUseOf

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MakeUseOf is one of the better sites offering daily articles on various technology-focused ideas for living.  Like the similarly-focused site Lifehacker, MakeUseOf covers a wide variety of eclectic topics, including software and hardware gadgets, and they have featured a few of our tools on their website over the years.

MakeUseOf seems to be producing new content at a very rapid rate these days.  While this may make it a little harder to find the real stand-out items -- it does make the site a great candidate for daily exploration.

One of the nice new areas at makeuseof that we've written about before is their "guides" section, which has a ton of downloadable pdf guides on a wide variety of topics (free but you need to sign up).

To see other posts on the DonationCoder forum that mention the MakeUseOf website, click: here.

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