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Mini-reviews on the forum

This page collects various reviews that have been posted by users on our forum. To browse a more complete and up-to-date collection of mini-reviews, check out the mini-review section of our forum here.

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Keepass Password Safe mini-review

I have, just recently and thanks to, come across this fine app. This app is an open source password manager that is freely available from the URL above. It has many advantages over other password managers, which will be discussed later on (the advantages), and it appears to have a terrific rating wherever you look. Now, onto the review.

Josh (The Shamurai) presented us with a fantastic minireview of KeePass, an app that is definitelly worth checking out!  You can also watch a screencast of KeePass: here.

Read the full mini-review here..

MyLifeOrganized - a journey in search of the perfect GTD software

blog clipart
... I intended to write one about six months ago, when I first came across MLO, but it’s not what I am going to do now.  In fact, I’m not going to say much about it at all, except for describing my path from using it to not using it, and now back to using it again ...

Read the mini review and discuss

Archivarius: Mini-Review


I have tried most of the mainstream desktop search tools, starting with blinkx and the first beta from Google.  I especially liked Copernic, and that was the one I ran for the longest period.  When Google launched their latest version, I decided to give it another try, tempted by some of the nice interface design work going on over at (especially the Getchoo project).  Then I installed NOD32, and stumbled upon the documented incompatibility between these two products (read Google websites and you’ll learn it’s NOD’s fault, read security websites and you’ll learn it’s Google’s fault).   That was a drag, but not enough to convince to change desktop searcher again.  But then I changed my email over to The Bat!, and it was only yesterday that I realised GDS was no longer indexing new mail.  A bit of research turned up a plugin for GDS, but that was described as buggy (and I would still have the draggy NOD/GDS problem); so I decided to look around.  There is an excellent comparative chart of the various Desktop Search tools over at:  I hadn’t heard of the only program listed there that indexed The Bat!, Archivarius 3000, so I decided to give it a try – and I really like what I found.

Continue reading the full mini-review..

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