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Tired of clicking?
try MouseActivate

If you are feeling lazy or you just want to decrease your clicking rate MouseActivate might be the answer. This simple and portable app can do a bunch of windows related tasks ommiting clicking on items entirely.. MouseActivate works pretty well and is easy to use, so i would recommend it if you are interested in less clicking.
EliteFreeware blog image

Mini-reviews on the forum

This page collects various reviews that have been posted by users on our forum. To browse a more complete and up-to-date collection of mini-reviews, check out the mini-review section of our forum here.

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Micro-Reviews: Android widgets


Last December I switched from a Windows Mobile to an Android phone. This opened up the exciting and vast world of apps and widgets to me. In the past three months I've looked at many apps and widgets, tried some, read about others, tried to find the best ones fitting my needs.

Here I present a selection of widgets which I find most useful describing them with a few words only. All of the widgets presented here are either free or very cheap.

If you're using widgets other than the ones I present here that cover the same or similar functionality or if you'd like to have more information on any of these widgets please let me know.

Click here to read the full thing and discuss..

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