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URL Snooper Opinions on FileForum
What cant I say thats good about this program? I mean, it does everything its designed to do and it does it well. Very seldom does a program of this caliber cross the internet. If you are sick of having to hunt down a url to a media file, use this, it will save you loads of time.
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Bookmark Docs - MiniReview

I found out about Bookmark Docs through a thread here. 

From the site:
Bookmark Docs lets you precisely "bookmark" any places in various documents and then quickly return to them whenever you need, and do all that in a unified manner.  Add bookmarks and hyperlinks to Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, CHM, and MSDN documents, and to Web pages.

I've seen many bookmark managers over the years (and have bought more than a few), and haven't found anything that really satisfied my needs, so the idea was interesting to me.  The installation was professional and seamless, though you will want to pay attention to the options at the end; Bookmark Docs by default does not put an icon on the desktop, but does want to run at startup, so set your options accordingly.


I foresee that this will become one of those applications that I come to rely on heavily.  Though there are a few niggling areas that could be enhanced, it does what it sets out to do, and really is a timesaver.  I give it my recommendation.

Click here to read the full mini-review now..

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