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URL Snooper Opinions on FileForum
What cant I say thats good about this program? I mean, it does everything its designed to do and it does it well. Very seldom does a program of this caliber cross the internet. If you are sick of having to hunt down a url to a media file, use this, it will save you loads of time.
FileForum image

Mini-reviews on the forum

This page collects various reviews that have been posted by users on our forum. To browse a more complete and up-to-date collection of mini-reviews, check out the mini-review section of our forum here.

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Wibiya: Website Toolbar Utility (Web Review)

Wibiya is a great, free toolbar utility, that you can add to any website, blog, or forum, quickly and easily.

The toolbar itself, is not like the one's you will be thinking about (The one's that fill up the top of Internet Explorer).  Instead, it is one, that sits at the bottom of your website (The pages you choose to put it on) and can be minimized by the user.

With handy utilities like the 'Facebook Like' button, Google Translate, Games, Share and Chat (And much more), that do not take the user off your website, your visitors will have even more reason to come back, day after day.

Click here to read more and discuss..

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