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This is exclusive software developed by mouser. None of our software contains spyware, adware, or toolbars of any kind.

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Some of our larger programs require a license key for long-term use.

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None of our software contains toolbars, spyware, adware, or bundled software of any kind. We will refund any donation at any time with no questions asked. All donations are processed securely by trusted financial services; we do not receive your credit card or personal information when you donate, and we will not share your email address with anyone. For more information please read our Privacy Policy.

DonationCoder.com Software is Loved
I love Process Tamer very much! I also love DonationCoder.com very much! And Thank you very much for producting the Process Tamer that's make lots of fun to my life! Thank you very much for DonationCoder.com producting so much useful and funny free softwares to the beautiful world
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This page collects a bunch of short screencast videos demonstrating the use of my programs.

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LaunchBar Commander Screencast Video 3 - Hotkeys, pop-up menus, and systray menus

Screenshot - 8_9_2010 , 4_46_50 PM_thumb.png
Video #3 demonstrates how to trigger launch bars as pop-up menus using hotkeys, and also demonstrates how to use a launch bar that has been minimized to the system tray:


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